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Wet Bears Day 2004!

Join Us on August 7th, 2004 in The Colony, TX (North Dallas)
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About Bear Networks

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Bear Networks is my effort at giving something to the bear community. This site is funded, programmed and supported by 1 person. The domain first came online in May of 1995, making it the first website dedicated to all things bear, without diluting the site with non-bear related content. was also the first site designed to help you meet other online bears.

To this day, is still the biggest dedicated service for helping you find other bears on the net.

Fantastic Growth!
The second server was brought online in December 1995, the next one came online in late 1996, followed by a hardware upgrade on the same machine 6 months later. A brand new server was purchased in July of 1999, then again in late 2000. And once again, new servers install in March 2002 (and the last major upgrade for a while - based on what they cost!). These new servers and software upgrades will allow for faster performance and a host of new features. currently serves over 3.0 million webpages per month with visitors from over 90 Top Level Domains each month.

Advertising Opportunities
You can now advertise your service/product on the Number 1 Bear Site in the world. for more information please view our Advertising pages.

Purpose / Goal
The primary goal with this site is to provide a service to the Bear Community by providing a means where like minded men can meet & communicate with each other.

The site currently offers a database with thousands of bears and bear admirers from around the world that you can search in various ways. In addition, we have a database of Bear Clubs from around the world. You can even enter information about your own bear club in the database and update it whenever you need to. You can also enter favorite web-sites into our links database.

Another feature is our mailing lists. We have a Bear Club Events mailing list where a designated contact from your bear club can post information about your upcoming events. This is a free service.

We have plans for additions to this site. We would also like to hear your comments and suggestions, after all we are here to provide a useful service to the community.

We hope you will consider adding a Bear Networks Button or banner and link on your home page. Additional information on adding a link is available on our " logo" page.

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