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Another Bear Networks "Supporting Bear"

Drew's Picture

B5 f t g++ k+ s+ h+ r+
San Francisco, CA United States
I am 32 years old

About me:
6'1" 220# reddish beard short cropped hair green eyes I like reading motorcycle roadtrips rough play cigars watersports camping and more I look to have lots of sparkle and joy in my life and am finding more and more often that I love being right here right now

Click here, or on DrewBear's picture to read his complete profile.

Born on this date: In 1709, Samuel Johnson, 18th century writer, was born.
Saturday, Sep 18 2004 - We have 24 Birthday Bears Today!
Rodman1981 B0 w c g++ k s- e h- q Zanesville, OH USA
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Ryk B0 f-- w+ c+ k s- m+ e+ h r+ Vancouver, CAN
ausbear B4 f t+ w c d d+c g++ k+ s+ e r+ Brisbane , AUS
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Will632 B0 f+ w++ d+ dc- g+ k-- s+ h- r- p Southaven, MS USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
Pete919 B0 f-- c g s-- m h- bangkok, AK THA
Mark8415 B4 f+ t+ w d+ d+c g++ k++ s++ m+ e++ r+ Seattle, WA USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
Rob455 B1 f+ w d cd g++ k s- e johnstown, PA USA
LCBEARMX B3 f t- w c g+ k- s- e+ r BC, MEX
This bear has a picture in their ad
jim812 B0 f-- w d- g+ k s- h r auburn, ME USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
Empirebears B5 f w+ d+ g+ s+ e r+ Coos Bay, OR USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
Robert392 B3 f-- c++ g+ k+ s m+ e r Chicago, IL USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
Khimbear B5 f t- w c g k++ s+ m e+ r Moscow, RUS
This bear has a picture in their ad
Mark1711 B0 t- w c+ g k+ s+ r Dallas, TX USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
nipman B0 t+ w++ g+ k s+ m+ e r- ., NZL
Redbeard B6 f+ w+ d+ d+c g++ k s- m r++ Portland, OR USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
BigStacheFan B3 f- t w- c+ g+ k-- s+ r Los Angeles, CA USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
Malcolm B5 f- t+ w d g++ k s+ e+ r+ Windsor, GBR
This bear has a picture in their ad
RedBear852 Los Angeles, CA USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
marcoteddy B0 f+ t w c d- g+ k s m e h+ r+ montreal, CAN
This bear has a picture in their ad
DeanBlkBear B3 t dc g+ k s-- e+ h+ union, SC USA
CowboyTop B1 f+ t+ w d g k+ s- m+ e++ h+ r+ Ft Lauderdale, FL USA
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neworleanscub B0 f- t- w c+ g+ k s+ m e+ h New Orleans, LA USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
hermit B0 f+ t+ w- g+ k+ s-- e+ h- r dallas, TX USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
littlecountrycub22 f- t w c+ dc g k s+ h- r Live Oak, FL USA
This bear has a picture in their ad
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