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Join Us on August 7th, 2004 in The Colony, TX (North Dallas)
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webbster's Bear page

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Welcome to Tony's page. If you like what you see (and read), why not send me an email

B5 t w++ d g+ s+ r-
Louisville, KY United States
I am 49 years old
My Zodiac sign is: Leo
Relationship Status: Other
Sexual Preference: Mostly Bottom
Practice Safe Sex: Always
HIV Status: Tested negative

About me:
Sometimes magic happens. The magic of meeting someone, getting to know them, spending time together, wanting them, having them want you, acting on that desire, and becoming parts of each other's lives. I have some of that magic in my life now, but I am open to more, 'cause magic can be soooo good!

I like movies, TV, SciFi, reading, philosophy/spiriturality, computers, and hanging out with my friends. Oh, and sex too!

I tend to be a romantic and relationship oriented. I am looking for the big three: intimacy, passion, and commitment--pretty much in that order.

I am mostly a homebody who is looking for someone to cuddle with, talk to, spend time with, and with whom I can explore the affectionate and erotic pleasures. I like touching and oral pleasure and am open to being a bottom for the right guy at the right time.

As for me, I am a superchub in my late 40's with a sense of humor who drinks occasionally and doesn't usually smoke (okay, maybe a half pack a year, but I'm cutting down). In other respects, I am small to average (5") and uncut--definitely a "grower" and not a "shower".

What I am looking for:
First, I want to get to know you. When we first talk or meet, I am going to be more interested in whats on your mind and whats in your heart than whats in your pants -- though if you measure up in the first two areas, we will get around to the third pretty quickly.

I also want someone who is open to and able to make some commitment when the time is right, someone who has room for me to be a part of their life. The amount of commitment isn't set in stone, but being able to commit to some degree is.

As to other characteristics of who I am looking for, I tend to prefer slim to slightly husky men from 21-45. I find a sense of humor and a good laugh very attractive. Drug-free is essential. Social drinking is fine. I tend to prefer average to masculine guys. The size of your endowment isn't important as long as you have one.

Living in the Louisville area is also important as I find that long distance relationships are difficult to establish and difficult to maintain.

A few final words:
Like I said, sometimes magic happens. Come and put me under your spell!

Contact Information:
Send me Email
Last modified

Added 03/16/2003
Last Visit 03/17/2003
Updated 03/17/2003