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Levisbear4LTR's Bear page

Easy URL is profiles/levisbear4ltr

Levisbear4LTR's Picture

Welcome to John's page. If you like what you see (and read), why not send me an email

B4 f+ t-- w d+ dc- s-- r
Indianapolis, IN United States
I am 54 years old
My Zodiac sign is: Gemini
Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Preference: Versatile
Practice Safe Sex: Always
HIV Status: Tested negative

About me:
5' 8", 220, trim beard and stache, masculine.
Likes/interests in: fishing, camping, gardening, walks, cats, computers, sci-fi/movies, music, travel, day trips, cooking.
Serious and stable, love to laugh, have fun.
Out of the closet, but not all that much into bar scene. Sharing and doing things with one special guy, sometimes spontaneously doing things and going places. Have a few friends for support and socializing only. Monagamy is very important at this point.
Long walks, dinners with good conversation.
Honest, trusting, respectful, compassionate, big time cuddler and hugger.

What I am looking for:
Prefer under 47, masculine,average to stocky or muscular is just right for me. Friendly, someone to bury my fur in, can easily overload on cuddling, hugging, holding, and yes i do like good quality sex with someone special, LTR is main objective, not into one nighters or just meeting for sex only. Wouldn't mind getting to know someone first to find out for sure.
Should be single, minus a lot of drama and baggage, lite drinking is ok. Sincere, serious, but likes a good time too.

Contact Information:
Send me Email
Last modified

Added 05/12/2003
Last Visit 05/26/2004
Updated 05/26/2004