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cosbear's Bear page

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Welcome to Rick's page. If you like what you see (and read), why not send me an email or you can visit my homepage to find out more about me

B4 f w c d cd g++ k- s- m+ e r
Portage, MI United States
I am 50 years old
My Zodiac sign is: Gemini
Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Preference: Versatile
Practice Safe Sex: Always
HIV Status: Tested negative

About me:
I am very open and honest. I'm an easy going gay male seeking a monogamous long term relationship or fuck buddies until I find my husbear. I am 5'10" and 245 very muscular pounds, 36 to 38" waist depending on pants. I'm moderately furry on my chest, but arms, legs, butt and belly are covered with dense soft red hair. I am romantic, loyal, honest, open, respectful of others individuality, accepting, and value friendships very highly. I enjoy going out but I tend to be more of a homebody. I love to cook for my man and my friends. I hope to eventually find someone I choose to share my life with and who chooses the same with me. I moved back to Michigan to help out my mom who needed a couple of surgeries with long recoveries, but she is fine now. I lived much of my life in Colorado and have not decided yet whether I will go back there or somewhere else. I welcome email from guys interested in a committed long term relationship anywhere in the US or Canada, for Mr. Right I would be willing to relocate. My business is pretty much portable and I have a pension and consider myself semi retired. I am very much into cuddling; kissing and being close with a very healthy sex drive some would say oversexed (lamers). It’s true though that I would like a partner that would enjoy making love two or three times every day when possible, of course that is an ideal goal and not always attainable. I like to make love slowly and passionately with a lot of foreplay, kissing, close body contact and human touch, but also with a lighthearted sense of playfulness and spontaneity. I am very oral and love to deep throat, and suck balls and ass. My teeth come out and I have nearly no gag reflex and love to have my throat fucked. I would prefer to find someone retired or close to retiring. I don't need to be attached at the hip, I need a little personal space and I'm sure he would too, but not interested in someone who doesn't have the time to be together and build a relationship. So if this interests you, drop me a line and let's get to know each other better. Thanks for your interest and good luck in your search. Cosbear

What I am looking for:
Most average middle aged or older men are attractive to me. Men 45 to 70 are my favorite range, not written in stone. I find men who are a little on the muscular and chubby side with a lot of body hair the most visually attractive, but personality, honesty, the ability to respect and accept others and be open are more important than looks to me. Sexually I prefer someone who would like what I said above about making love, who was capable of being versatile. It would be nice if he could be a very aggressive and passionate top when the mood strikes him and just the opposite when that felt right. I too would prefer to be versatile. He must love to suck cock and balls and swallow a load. If he like to rim and tongue fuck as well that would be a big plus. Prefer easy going gay men who can open up and communicate their feelings, needs and desires and have time for a relationship. Hopefully he would love to sleep close spooned one way or the other. I have never felt safer, more content and loved than when I fall asleep in my lovers arms with his sated half hard cock pressed against me and the taste of his cum in my mouth. To me falling asleep that way and waking up to his smile and more lovemaking is high romance.

A few final words:
There are more photos including X shots on my webpage see below...

Contact Information:
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Last modified

Added 10/22/2003
Last Visit 10/28/2003
Updated 10/28/2003