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Wet Bears Day 2004!

Join Us on August 7th, 2004 in The Colony, TX (North Dallas)
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How you can support Bear Networks

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Hello, hopefully you have come to this page to find out how you can help support this website. The website came online in May 1995. As such it was the first website dedicated to bears. It was also the first site to offer a searchable database and live entry of your information.

You can now donate via (in USD) using your credit card or from funds within your account. And finally you can still donate by postal mailing a money order to us.

I hope you feel you get enough value from the site to consider donating to the site. In the past some users have mentioned that for whatever reason, they did not feel comfortable sending a check or cash through the mail. We understand that and have come up with a way to make donating easier for you.

Through the years, the has outgrown many webservers, required increased bandwidth and due to the sheer number of users (currently visitors from over 90 countries each month!) huge amounts of time for support, not to mention coding new features.

Please also consider adding a Bear Networks Button and link on your home page. Additional information on adding a link is available on our "logo" page.

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